This is a longish saying which, it seems, has lived for a long time: "Good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient and the best things comes to those who don't give up." A friend of mine recently shared a post of this saying
from Picture Quotes … which didn’t acknowledge anyone. In Google images I found many others posted
with this quote on them. The first one had taken their pic off Wisdom Quotes who didn’t say on their pic who had said the quote.
Neither did VCSU
- Lots of quotes, including this one, posted without a speaker. Not good for a university!
Or Live Life Happy or FineDay Quote
or Tony Molinaro or any other I looked at on Google.
Even in Australia it was included in A Better Today
with no speaker mentioned and no “Unknown” mentioned!
Qtations posted a change of words: “Good things
come to those who believe, better things come to those who work hard, and the
best things come to those who never give up” but it still sounded pretty
much the same.
And no acknowledge of who said any of this.
It was changed by many websites to “good things come to those who wait / believe
/ work / hustle / go out and earn it” and lots more.
And still no
acknowledge of who said any of this!
According to Wikipaedia, “Good things come to those who wait” is an “English phrase
extolling the virtue of patience”. Violet Fane was quoted in 1892 with "all things come to those who wait",
and and there is a pic available from Alamy of Violet Fane with her signature.
quote started a lot of quoters over many years later. I haven’t been able to
find who changed that phrase, but too many people today change it and no-one
acknowledges who has changed it. “All
things come to those who wait” should be posted as a quote from Violet
Fane, but every other quotes, with changed words or meanings, should be
acknowledged to “Unknown”.
things might have waited for you to allow you to feel free to use this new one…